This Is Ragna From BlazBlue

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Kamis, 29 November 2012

LostSaga 1 vs 1 Ragna VS Sol Bad Guy

Liat nih!!!

Rabu, 28 November 2012

Ragna Hero Combo

Ragna adalah Hero premium yang hebat menurut saya

LostSaga 1vs1 Ragna The Bloodedge

Ragna Hero Guide

Basic Attacks

1. 5 hit basic combo (d-d-d-d)
Ragna starts out with a straight kick, slashes downward with his sword, then does a quick sweep kick that will down the opponent if it hits. Finally he finishes with 2 downward hits from his sword that will lift up an enemy (on the ground or standing up).

2. Dash Attack
Ragna's first dash attack is split into two. After hitting D while running, you can either hit D again to lift your enemy into the air, or you can hit S to slam the enemy into the ground, bouncing them up upon impact.

3. Carnage Scissors (Hold D for a very short time)
This is the first of two Hold D attacks. Ragna dashes a great distance and slashes twice, knocking an enemy up into the air if the second hit lands. This attack can be canceled early if you jump immediately after the 2nd hit connects.

4. Dead Spike (Hold D for about a second)
This is Ragna's Guard Breaker. Not only will it break an opponents guard, if it hits it will steal some of their HP and give it back to you.

5. Air Attack
Once in the air, press D twice to do 2 quick hits in succession.

6. Belial Edge (2nd Air attack)
After jumping once in the air, jump again and press D to do an air attack that jabs downwards and can hit 3 times.


Ragna does 3 hits bringing the enemy into the air. The 4th hit can be either a push, which is very good for edging, or it can be an axe kick that will bounce the enemy and let you continue to combo. To do the Push Press D for a fourth time. To do the axe kick press S the 4th time. *This skill can be used in the air*

Once your HP is lowered to about 1/8th of the max, Ragna will have a black aura around him which lets you know its time for his Astral Finish! Pressing SD while the aura is around you will change the weapon skill. Ragna will use a scythe to hit 7 times. *This skill can hit grounded enemies* This skill has extremely long invincibility frames which can be used to your advantage.

Ragna's Armor skill can hit up to 8 times. This skill will also steal hp from any enemy it hits. You must keep Mashing D once you use this skill or it will stop. *Note that you can use this skill while being hit, like the mafia's shank. Also you can change the direction your facing while attacking*

The hat skill is a 2 hit combo. Once casted you dash foward in whatever direction your facing. If you press D again you will hit the enemy up into the air. If used in the air this skill is a 2 hit combo that can refresh your jump attacks.

The trinket will pick up any grounded enemy and apply a half faint. Unfortunately, this skill is lag sensitive and may fail if you or your opponent have a bad connection.

CombosI'm going to do this section in video, partly because its easier to see a combo then read a combo, but mostly because i'm too lazy to write them out.

Keep in mind, this video shows an EXTREMELY small amount of the combos Ragna can pull off. He is extremely flexible and can combo off almost anything. So explore, create your own combos. If you find anything you would like to show off, post it here.

Upgrade PathsFull Str: Build is self explanatory. This is the build i use.
Skill Build: I've seen many Ragna's focus on upgrading their skills. Most go for the weapon, although, i would put some in my armor skill as well.

Tips And Tricks
Some great tricks that i use to gain the upper hand are
D-Guardbreaker-D-D-Air combo
After hitting the enemy once and then guard breaking, your enemy will be momentarily stunned, pressing D again will do a sweep kick which, if done fast enough, the enemy has no chance to guard. This leaves them open to many combos.

Dead Spike- Carnage Scissors
Now this trick can be hard to pull off. Immediately after Dead spike (Hold D) Do carnage scissors. If you are fast enough, the first hit of carnage scissors will faint your enemy, leaving them wide open to the 2nd hit which will lift them up into the air

Special thanks to ~Lucario~ for his help with the combo video.
Comments and Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Info Hero Reform Season 3

Info Reform Hero di Season 3 !!!
Pada Season 3,Lost Saga Indonesia nanti akan me-Reform 11 Hero & meng-Update Hazama.
Nah Hero apa yg akan di Reform, Cek This Out !!!

Spartacus :
-efek knockback normal combo attack ditambah, di final attacknya stunnya di kurangi.
-Dash attack di tambah 1 x, jadi ditambah serangan knockup.
-air guard / nangkis di udara di tambahkan.
-ditambahkan feature deflect / timing menangkis pas musuh menyerang yang menghasilkan "deflect"
-skill SD ditambahkan jarak, kecepatan sama invincibility timenya.
-kecepatan guard roll ditambah / menangkis sewaktu rolling.
-skill AS damagenya dikurangi tp lebih cepat hitnya.
-skill AD mentalnya jd tambah tinggi.
-cooldown skill AD (helmet) di "nerf" alias di tambah, dan damagenya jg di "nerf" alias di kurangi.

Samurai :
-semua interval normal combo attack dan hold D nya di kurangi.
-counter attack.
-skill SD trigger lebih cepat dan menyabet lebih cepat.
-skill ASD trigger lebih cepat dan bisa di pakai sbg faint/ground counter.
-skill AD jg trigger lebih cepat dan ada damageny sedikit.
-skill AS tambah durasinya.
*intinya, Samurai di "buff" kecepatannya, jadi lebih agile dan deadly.

Heavy Crasher:
-ditambahkan dash attack
-ditambahkan deflect attack
-serangan lompatnya jadi bisa di kontrol.
-serangan lompat tingginya ditambah knockbacknya.
-skill AS di tambah range nya dan tidak melukai si pemakai, walaupun masih bisa kena jg.
-skill AD bisa dipakai sebagai "guard breaker", bisa di cancel dan ditambah durasinya.
-skill ASD bisa di pakai di udara, lebih cepat dan mempunyai waktu invincibility yang lebih lama.
-skill SD lebih cepat sedikit dan cooldownnya jg dikurangi.
-efek animasi combo normalnya di perbagus.

-final normal combo attacknya jd "half faint", bukannya mental.
-kecepatan dash attack di tambah.
-kelelawar sekarang menghisap darah. (hold D)
-AI (artificial intelligence) summon dalam menarget musuh jadi lebih pinter.
-Reaper (ASD) sma Berserker (AD) nya jd lebih cepat dan si Reaper sekarang bsa menyerang lawan yg tiduran (ground hit).
-Bug nya si berserker di hilangkan.
-skill SD menghisap darah.
-ditambahkan air dash attack.
-summonnya (Reaper, laba2, dsb.) bisa di hancurkan (dipukul/diskill).

Lightning Mage:
-bisa lari layaknya hero melee (WOW)
-air attack dan ground hit seperti layaknya fire dan ice mage.
-skill AS dikurangi range dan durasi stunnya, tapi bisa membangunkan lawan yang faint. cooldown juga dikurangi.
-skill SD ditambahkan cooldownnya dan bisa di cancel sekarang.
-skill AD melindungi dari gear drop dan dapat di cancel walaupun belum jatuh ke tanah.
-cooldown skill ASD di tambah.
-pukulan biasa nya sekarang mengangkat lawan yang faint, memungkinkan untuk juggling combo.

Running Back:
-waktu Tahan D nya di kurangi, knockback di tambah dan manuvernya jd lebih mudah.
-skill SD dipermudah manuvernya, dan jg dpt di kontrol di udara.
-Dash attack baru di tambahkan.
-interval normal combo attack di percepat.
-skill ASD bisa ground hit skrg.
-air attack dpt di kontrol.

*menurutku Infantryman dan Tao Fighter di buff abis2an.
-normal combo attack ke 2 membuat stun seperti Musketeer, dan bisa di follow up.
-rollingnya menembus lawan.
-interval peluru dipercepat.
-peluru yang tidak di "aim" sekarang membuat knockdown.
-"switch time" untuk pindah antara "aim" dan "unaimed" di kurangi.
-knockback peluru yang di "aim" di tambah.
-knockback skill SD di tambah.
-skill ASD (grenade) bisa di lempar max 3x dengan menekan D. invincibility tahan sampai granat ke 3.
-skill AD (priittt~) di tambah area of effect di udara nya dan dikurangi cooldownnya.
-skill AS di kurangi cooldownnya secara drastis.
-kecepatan jalan di tambah.

  Tao Fighter:
-interval normal combonya di percepat.
-Hold D di tambah "hitbox" dan knockbacknya.
-3 dash attack baru.
-serangan udara bisa di kontrol.
-serangan udara baru Hold D, ground hit.
-skill SD bisa di cancel pada hit pertama, dan efeknya di ganti dr knockback menjadi stun.
-skill SD menjadi ground hit.
-Skill ASD di tambahkan knockupnya dan dpt efek "slam" seperti atomic punchnya (SD) Boxer Champ, memungkinkan utk combo "Juggling".
-skill AD menjadi ground hit.
-skill AS selain merecharge 3 skill, jg memberikan buff speed up.
*Tao Fighter yg td nya lame, lambat dan kikuk jadi gesit dan deadly. combo jugglingnya berbahaya. coba liat apakah masih
ada yang masih pakai viking setelah Tao di reform.

Pro Wrestler:
-Dash attack baru. Follow up dari dash attack biasa lalu dropkick (seperti hold D).
-skill SD bisa bergerak sewaktu memutar.
-hold D nya jadi susah di lawan.
-knockup skill ASD di tambah.
-knockup skill AD di tambah.
-skill AS ditambah jaraknya, invincibility timenya jg di tambah dan dpt digunakan sbg counter.
-interval normal combo attacknya di percepat.

-interval normal combo attack di percepat dan ditambahkan knockback.
-kecepatan jalan dan jg dashnyadi percepat jg dash attacknya.
-puppetnya keluar agak jauh dr yang dlu, jadi lebih mudah positioningnya dan membuat juggle combo hanya dgn puppetnya.
-kecepatan lompat di tambah dan delay mendarat di kurangi.
-skill SD (Gun Doll) pelurunya di percepat mengimbangi kecepatan pukul masternya yg di percepat.
-skill ASD dpt menangkap musuh yang sewaktu jatuh di udara hampir mencapai tanah, dan dikurangi waktu dansa nya.
-skill AS ditambahkan knockbacknya dan jarak lompatnya.
-serangan basic jump attack puppet dan hold jump attack di ubah.
-cooldown skill AD dikurangi.
-puppet skill SD dan puppet biasa dpt dikeluarkan secara bersamaan, jadi mengontrol 2 puppet.
-puppet AI nya jadi lebih pintar dalam menarget lawan.

Zorro :

-Serangan jarak dekat meningkat dan efek stun telah ditambahkan di serangan akhir
-Bisa dash lalu melakukan Rolling
-Hold D jarak lebih panjang
-Jump Attack bisa dikendalikann
-Skill SD lebih cepat mengisi


Special Thanks By :
- SyaKitsune (Youtube)
- Forumer Gemscool
sumber: Facebook, YouTube

Jadwal Hero Yang Akan Di Keluarkan LostSaga

Ini jadwal" hero dikluarin oleh GM
TGL : 28-11-12 Lanser
12-12-12 May
26-12-12 Gatot Kaca
09-01-13 Indian
23-01-13 Hazama
06-02-13 Rock Star
20-02-13 Chaos Refund
06-03-13 Muay Thai
20-03-13 Rachel Alucard
05-04-13 Iljimae

Jadi, tunggu saja ya, aku lagi nuggu Hazama keluar..
        sumber : Facebook, Gemscool